My family wanted to take a fun trip out to the desert this last saturday!
I love going riding, especially with my Hubbs! Its kinda where we went on alot of dates to haha and hung out with our friends in high school, so we love it!
This time we took a back way in so it was kind of a new adventure for us!!
Our family LOVES to go to the Cokeovens. The only down side to that is it is a LOOOOONNGGG
ROUGH drive to get there! Its about a 2-3 hour drive in to get there! BUT it is still fun and awesome to get outdoors! WE FOUND A SHORTCUT! instead of going the long and gruesome way, we went in the back way and got to the coke ovens in no time at all! it was great!
Here they are!!
Andrew shot a gun for the first time and Kris was the one who helped him!!
Adorable Ally!
So Cute!!
YES! My sister Sheena, which is 7 months pregnant toughed it out and went riding everywhere we went!!
I gotta give her props!!!
So we had a little fun on our way to the Cokeovens!!
Only time would tell untill SOMEONE got stuck!! haha Kindra got the quad stuck.. haha so my dad had to come to the rescue and get it out!!
We decided to take a break!
Lookin for Shells!!
These 2 were the lucky 2 to get to ride in the back of the Samurai with Kris and I! They had a fun BUMPY ride!! haha
Kris let Andrew drive on the way back to camp! He LOVED IT!Why YES! That is 14 tin foil dinners!!! hahaha
We all cant wait to go out again! Always a fun time!
Soooooooooooo much fun and yes I'm starting to have a relationship with "Sammy" Dont tell Kris!!!!