Wednesday, August 21, 2013


well the baby's room(yes, we still don't have a name picked out yet) is under way. my mom came over this last Saturday and me her and Kris started painting and knocked it out within 2 hours or so. I still have a lot left to do with the walls but the paint is down! lol so I'm going to start that as well as my curtains...super nervous about that one.
i will post pics of the babes room when its close to being done but here is the before pic before we started painting of my 2 helpers!
Saturday night me and kris had a date night and went bowling with my sister Sheena and her hubby! talk about awkwardness. preggo belly and 6 lb ball doesn't go well.

so I'm bursting of emotions and just have got to get this down somewhere on how lucky i am to have the husband i have. so yes this will be a little mushy. this last friday i was not having a good day. i was having a lot of cramping and pains in my abdomen and it was to the point where i was toppled over in my chair at work as the pain took my breath away. of course me being me i stress... this is my first child and pain is not good when your preggers. so of course i text kris to let him know whats going on and he is all support saying if i need to go to the doctors...then go. don't second guess. now this has happened to me before and i just chalk it up to all my ligaments and muscles stretching for the first time all at once. although this time was much worse. i finally managed to get home and he is waiting for me in bed ready to comfort me. so i crawl in... prop my feet up... get a heating pad on my tummy... and lay there. he stayed with me all night. he even rented red box for us and made a good night out of it. if anyone knows this man he HAS to be out and about doing something, so for him to sacrifice a Friday night for me and just be with me was awesome. where. would. i. be. without. him? ugh! luckily the pain started to subside and eventually went away! i love him so much and am so glad i have him to go through the highs and lows in life.

the other day i recieved this from him.
so my hunt i drawn for is 2 weeks before my due date. talk about a bummer. we called game and fish to see if they can do anything for us and they said nope. kris did some more digging and found out we can either give it to a son or daughter or donate it! what an amazing thought. just another daily reminder as to why i love him. he has such a good heart.

love love love him!!
so my belly feels and looks like its growing! my view of my feet is starting to disappear.
I feel him move all the time. still get excited over that all the time.
we are still trying to figure out a name that we BOTH agree on.
(this was taken 2 days ago)
I will be honest I had a mini panic attack last night because I was thinking of the next couple doctor appointments and one of them includes the glucose test. I have to get pricked with a needle. one of my worst fears. literally my heart started pounding faster. then my brain wondered on all the other needles im going to get pricked with when it comes time to deliver. whoa. im going to have to conquer this fear quick or else im going to have majjjorr issues. : /
On a happier note, Tomorrow is my doctors appointment and I will be 24 weeks!
yay!! about 16 weeks left till our son is with us!!

Saturday, August 10, 2013

gone fishin'

this last weekend kris and i went fishing with my mom and dad. when we went camping up north by greer about a month ago, there was this lake called reservation lake that we were told had some good fishing. so my dad just couldnt get it out of his head so we made plans to go back up there to fish it! now this is the fun part, Kris had the great idea of taking his tin boat with a electric motor up there to fish out of. so just imagining all 4 of us in this 60 year old boat he got from his grandpa was just halarious, but we commited and did it! we ended up catching around 10 fish! (we kept 7)
this is the view of our load

 the lake was gorgeous.

one of my favorite things about traveling up north in the months of july and august is the storms that role in every afternoon. just poors down rain.well this one came down with a vengence(hail). but we still loved it.

one of the other lakes we fished at(show low lake)

Thursday, August 1, 2013

oh miranda and norah.

so this boy has some likes and dislikes
-loves when i jam out to miranda lambert or norah jones. i plug my headphones in at work
and he starts a wigglin like crazy. kris says i need to be rockin to
papa roach or AC/DC(no thank you)
-he is not a morning person(just like his mama) i dont hardly feel him move till around 11am
-he loves chocolate, apples, ice cold water and ice cream. those 4 things really wake him up and get him going.
-loves it when daddy trys to feel him through mamas stomach
(maybe thats something i love)

today i had my 21 week dr appointment.
this was fun because i got my stomach measured for the first time.
21 cm was the measurment which is spot on perfect to where i should be!
My favorite part of my appointment....
my doctor telling me i have the pregnancy glow!
his heart beat was 153.
(took the m.a. a while to find it bc he was sleeping)
My appointments got moved down to every 3 weeks which just means im getting closer.
the nursery is coming along, i bought the paint and fabric to make the curtains(hope i dont regret that)
Now i just have to have all my favorite women come over to help paint!
Kris of course is gonna be busy with hunting, its that time of year again so he
said for me to just to my thanggg with the nursery(GREEN LIGHT!)

Im pretty sure Diesel can sense something is changing with his mom.  Kris and diesel have ALWAYS been best buds and lets admit it... diesel just likes/bonded more with Kris than me. So everywhere Kris goes diesel follows. BUT things have shifted in the last 2 weeks. He is more protective towards me and more loving. every time i leave one room to go to the other he is right at my heels. He cannot stand being out of sight it seems of me. and my favorite...  i wake up to him laying on my side of the bed on the floor and not Kris's.. which is where he always has been. So i dont know whats going on there but im loving it.

Enjoy this time diesel... because soon you will have a little rugrat munchkin pulling your hair and putting his little fingers in your mouth to disect what those pearly white things are in your mouth!!!